The act of will consists of six sequential phases or stages, which are like links in a chain. The strength of the act of willing is only as strong as its weakest link.
- The Purpose, Aim, or Goal, based on Evaluation, Motivation, and Intention
- Deliberation
- Choice and Decision
- Affirmation: the Command, or “Fiat,” of the Will
- Planning and Working Out a Program
- Direction of the Execution
In order to act effectively, one must be proficient in all the stages, although not every stage may be important in any one willed act. The main cause of failure in completing an act of will is that people often have difficulty carrying out a specific stage and get stuck at a particular point in the sequence. Therefore, understanding the various stages and their functions is important in uncovering the specific weak point and realizing the far-reaching benefits that can be derived from such work.
See also:
- The Nature of the Will
- Qualities of the Will
- The Will, interview with Roberto Assagioli by Stuart Miller