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Strength of Will: Lessons from Character Lab

Character Lab, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing scientific insights that help children thrive, offers valuable perspectives on developing “strength of will.” This concept, integral to personal growth and success, is explored through various lenses on their website, including gratitude, self-control, and the overarching theme of character development.

Gratitude as a Strength of Heart and Will

Character Lab illuminates the role of gratitude, not just as a moral virtue, but as a pivotal element in building willpower. David Brooks describes gratitude as a “eulogy strength,” something that endears us to others. In contrast, self-control is seen as a “resumé strength,” crucial for achieving personal goals despite temptations​​. Studies indicate that gratitude and self-control are interconnected; grateful individuals tend to exhibit more self-control, leading to healthier lifestyle choices​​.

The Teachable Nature of Self-Control

One of Character Lab’s insights is the idea that self-control can be taught and developed. This counters the common misconception that self-control is a fixed trait​​. It’s not just about resisting short-term temptations; self-control is a predictor of academic and professional success, physical and emotional well-being, positive social relationships, and financial security​​.

Practical Strategies to Enhance Self-Control

Character Lab offers practical advice for fostering self-control. This includes modeling self-control by setting and pursuing personal goals, celebrating acts of self-control in others, especially children, and creating environments that enable better self-control, such as minimizing distractions and promoting healthy habits​​.

Integrating Willpower into the Fabric of Character

Character Lab’s philosophy extends beyond individual strengths to a more holistic view of character. They emphasize that character comprises strengths of heart, mind, and will. Strengths of heart, like gratitude and kindness, foster harmonious relationships, while strengths of will, like self-control, predict academic achievement​​​​.

Explore the resources and insights from Character Lab

Exploring the resources and insights from Character Lab offers a comprehensive understanding of the “strength of will.” Their research-backed approaches not only align with contemporary psychological theories but also offer actionable strategies for personal development. By integrating gratitude, self-control, and a broader character framework, we can cultivate a more resilient and successful mindset.

Suggested Actions

  1. Practice Gratitude: Regularly reflect on and express gratitude, which can enhance your self-control and overall well-being.
  2. Develop Self-Control: Set personal goals and create supportive environments that encourage self-discipline.
  3. Broaden Your Character: Consider all aspects of your character — heart, mind, and will — and work on strengthening each area.

For a deeper dive into these concepts and more, visit Character Lab.

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