The Act of Will outlines what Roberto Assagioli saw as being one of the most important aspects of the psyche, and one of particular importance to Psychosynthesis – The Will.
- Author: Roberto Assagioli
- ISBN-10: 0954291506
- ISBN-13: 978-0954291501
- Publisher: The Synthesis Center Inc (March 6, 2010)
Part One – The Nature of the Will
- 1. Introduction
- 2. The Existential Experience of the Will
- 3. The Qualities of the Will
- 4. The Strong Will
- 5. The Skillful Will: Psychological Laws
- 6. Practical Applications of the Skillful Will
- 7. The Good Will
- 8. Love and Will
- 9. The Transpersonal Will
- 10. The Universal Will
Part Two – The Stages of Willing
- 11. From Intention to Realization
- 12. Purpose, Evaluation, Motivation, Intention
- 13. Deliberation, Choice, and Decision
- 14. Affirmation
- 15. Planning and Programming
- 16. The Direction of the Execution
Part Three – Epilogue
- 17. The Joyous Will
- The Will Project
- Appendix One: Self-Identification Exercise
- Appendix Two: Thinking and Meditation
- Appendix Three: Questionnaire on the Will
- Appendix Four: Historical Survey
- Appendix Five: Differential Psychology
See Also
- Psychosynthesis
- The Act of Will (overview of the stages and nature of the will)
- The Training of the Will by Roberto Assagioli
- Questionnaire on the Will
- Only the development of his inner powers can offset the dangers inherent in man’s losing control of the tremendous natural forces at his disposal and becoming the victim of his own achievements. – page 6.
- …a vivid anticipation of a future willed achievement or satisfaction can give joy even while one feels pain. Saint Francis said, “So great is the Good that I am expecting that every pain to me is joyous.” At a less exalted level, this is true of athletes and particularly mountain climbers, to whom the joyous prospect of the “intended” willed achievement outweighs the physical hardships and suffering involved. – page 201.
External Links
- Notes from The Act of Will courtesy of David Watkins (via Archive.org)
- The Act of Will Audiobook recorded by Natasha Fowler
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